Today you are half! I can't believe that you are already 6 months old. You have grown so much, and learned so much too. I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished in your young age. Every day, you do something new... Just this morning, you used baby sign language (which we just started learning yesterday) to tell me you wanted to eat milk! You are amazing!
I think that a good way to show you how proud I am is to make a few lists that tell more about Coby at Half!
Things that you can do now:
- You can say 2 syllables such as lala, dada, gaga
- You can roll over from back to front and front to back
- You can pick up things that interest you
- You can put things in your mouth to chew them (including your spoon and bottle sometimes)
- You can push yourself up on your arms
- You jump in your jumperoo
- You can give hugs to Mama!
- You can "kiss" Mama's cheeks (with an open mouth)
- You recognize Cooper, your dog
- You like to watch Baby Signing Times and Baby Mozart
The foods that you eat:
- rice cereal
- sweet potatoes
- carrots (made you constipated the first time you ate them)
- sweet peas
- winter squash
- pears
- applesauce
- bananas (gave you a rash, but we are not sure if it was the additives or the bananas)
- avocado
I made you a half cake for your half birthday (you can't eat it, but Mama will enjoy it tons!) The picture is really blurry because my cellphone got a little oil on the camera...
Coby, I really hope that you enjoy your half birthday! Today we are meeting your brother, Ari, to take special brother pictures for Daddy's Father's Day present. I hope that he loves them!
I will love you always and forever,
happy half birthday sweet baby boy!