It is midnight and my husband and child are both in bed. Why am I still up, you might ask... I am pumping. I pump in the morning when I am feeding C. his cereal, again in the evening while he eats, and then after he is in bed. When I am pumping, I am chained to this machine. If he cries or fusses, I cannot get to him fast enough and also it interrupts my flow, if you get my drift. I have a hard enough time getting the milk out of my boobies that it is not conducive to pumping if I have to stop and start again. My hubby is in charge during the late night pump, all that is required is that he re-plug the monster if he should awaken.
Tonight, my hubby decided that he "deserves" a night out to have a few beers with his friends. Ok, I get that he works all day and would like to get out occasionally... Me too. But I am at home with C. so how hard do I work, right? So I quickly run down and grab the laundry from the dryer so he can go out. We don't have a washer and dryer in our apartment so I have to go in the basement. After he leaves, I am folding and folding and folding... I just switched C. into his 6 month clothes. Half of it was still damp! I can't bring it back down, so I drape laundry all over the furniture. I give up.
He just came home, and now I am pumping... I shut off the monitor so he will have to take some responsibility. Uh oh, I just heard C. crying... How long before he comes and gets me?
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Snuggle bug!
My guy is a Snuggle bug. Here we are again for morning nap. I can't bring myself to put him down. I just love the warm weight of him snuggled into my body. One day soon he will be too busy, too independent, too embarrassed to Snuggle his mama. I will enjoy being held captive on the couch, doing nothing, hearing the criticism about spoiling him, watching his sweet sleep smiles as long as he lets me.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Big Boy Carseat
Today, I decided that enough is enough! C cries every time I put him in his infant car seat. I can't take it! So I went into the bowels of the basement and got out the "big boy" car seat for him (yes, it is a current manufactured in 2010). We have the Britax Boulevard CS 70 Next Gen in the Wyndham pattern.
Before the big change, I had to meet a friend so I figured I would install the car seat... I have 3 college degrees, how hard can it be? There are latches, easy. There is a recline, a little tricky but I got it. Then there is a tether... Hmmm. I pulled out the trusty user manual to my car, a 2009 Honda CRV. It explained that the tether attachments are in the back behind the seats in the trunk area. In the Britax manual, it showed the tethers going on the sides toward the back... weird. So that was how I did it. Leaving really nowhere for the baby to enter the car seat unless it is OVER the tethers, like the australian method in the first picture. I called the local PD and asked how I can get the seat checked. They scheduled me for 4:15 today. Upstairs I went, to get the infant seat again, because I was not putting my baby in that seat.
Leaving the mall, where I met my friend, C was screaming his head off the whole ride, 30 minutes! When we got to the PD, he cried even more and the PO said that he felt badly that C was so upset. I explained that he cries that way every time he is in the car seat so I am hoping switching him will change that. I also told him how C cries when the car goes below 50 mph (really 65 mph but I was not saying that to a cop). He thought that was funny and commented that he would be looking out for him in 16 years.
So apparently we are missing part of the tether that straps the tether to the base of the passenger seat, as in the second picture. I have to call Britax tomorrow and see if they can send it to me. He said that the seat is perfectly safe to use without it, but it is an extra safety measure.
I put C in the seat and off we went... To the melody of his screams. No luck with the end of the crying in the "big boy" seat. He cried so hard that the snot was running down his face and there were tears in his mouth. He even had a minor nose bleed! As soon as I pulled him out of the car, he was all smiles...
What am I going to do with my silly boy?
Before the big change, I had to meet a friend so I figured I would install the car seat... I have 3 college degrees, how hard can it be? There are latches, easy. There is a recline, a little tricky but I got it. Then there is a tether... Hmmm. I pulled out the trusty user manual to my car, a 2009 Honda CRV. It explained that the tether attachments are in the back behind the seats in the trunk area. In the Britax manual, it showed the tethers going on the sides toward the back... weird. So that was how I did it. Leaving really nowhere for the baby to enter the car seat unless it is OVER the tethers, like the australian method in the first picture. I called the local PD and asked how I can get the seat checked. They scheduled me for 4:15 today. Upstairs I went, to get the infant seat again, because I was not putting my baby in that seat.
Leaving the mall, where I met my friend, C was screaming his head off the whole ride, 30 minutes! When we got to the PD, he cried even more and the PO said that he felt badly that C was so upset. I explained that he cries that way every time he is in the car seat so I am hoping switching him will change that. I also told him how C cries when the car goes below 50 mph (really 65 mph but I was not saying that to a cop). He thought that was funny and commented that he would be looking out for him in 16 years.
So apparently we are missing part of the tether that straps the tether to the base of the passenger seat, as in the second picture. I have to call Britax tomorrow and see if they can send it to me. He said that the seat is perfectly safe to use without it, but it is an extra safety measure.
I put C in the seat and off we went... To the melody of his screams. No luck with the end of the crying in the "big boy" seat. He cried so hard that the snot was running down his face and there were tears in his mouth. He even had a minor nose bleed! As soon as I pulled him out of the car, he was all smiles...
What am I going to do with my silly boy?
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Adele Enersen Copycat
Bored (read: inspired) today by this picture
I quickly composed the scene made of a changing pad cover, blankies, and a towel... And then C woke up... Thankfully he was in a good mood and cooperated with his insane Mama.
I quickly composed the scene made of a changing pad cover, blankies, and a towel... And then C woke up... Thankfully he was in a good mood and cooperated with his insane Mama.
Not bad for a first attempt, huh?
The Baby Whisperer
I am reading the baby whisperer website trying to see how to get C to sleep better... I'm always tired, there has to be a better way!
So I took a test "What Kind of Baby Do You Have?"
C is the Spirited Baby, go figure:
EATING: Very similar to Angel baby in the eating department, but breast feeders can get impatient. If Mum's letdown is too slow, he'll bob off the breasts as if to say, "Hey, what gives?" Sometimes, you need to give a supplement with a bottle until the milk really gets flowing.
Maybe that is why he decided that he is not breast feeding anymore?
ACTIVITES : High energy, feisty and very active. They are ready to jump into almost any situation, and exercise little impulse control or caution when they do. They arc highly reactive and can he aggressive with peers. Because they're usually more cooperative in the morning, avoid afternoon playgroups SO they can wind down.
He literally jumps all day long!
SLEEP: As babies, they hate being swaddled, but YOU absolutely need to block out any visual stimulation. They tend to be resistant to naps or nighttime rituals, because they don't want to miss anything. If you're lucky, even though they sleep less in the morning, it will be followed by long afternoon nap, which is key to a good night's sleep for these kids.
This is so true, he hated the swaddle so we got the woombie which is less restrictive! He does like his bedtime routine though. He enjoys his long afternoon nap.
MOOD: When they want something, they want it now! Opinionated, very vocal, and often stubborn, their moods are mercurial, going quickly from happy' to sad and back again. They love the action but also tend to overdo it, which can lead to a meltdown. Tantrums are hard to stop once they get going. Transitions can be tough, too.
So true! He is very vocal and opinionated! The king of the mood swing...
HOW THEY'RE OFTEN DESCRIBED: A handful. Always into something.1 don't have the energy to keep up with her. She's fearless.
Little Mr. Trouble...
So I took a test "What Kind of Baby Do You Have?"
C is the Spirited Baby, go figure:
EATING: Very similar to Angel baby in the eating department, but breast feeders can get impatient. If Mum's letdown is too slow, he'll bob off the breasts as if to say, "Hey, what gives?" Sometimes, you need to give a supplement with a bottle until the milk really gets flowing.
Maybe that is why he decided that he is not breast feeding anymore?
ACTIVITES : High energy, feisty and very active. They are ready to jump into almost any situation, and exercise little impulse control or caution when they do. They arc highly reactive and can he aggressive with peers. Because they're usually more cooperative in the morning, avoid afternoon playgroups SO they can wind down.
He literally jumps all day long!
SLEEP: As babies, they hate being swaddled, but YOU absolutely need to block out any visual stimulation. They tend to be resistant to naps or nighttime rituals, because they don't want to miss anything. If you're lucky, even though they sleep less in the morning, it will be followed by long afternoon nap, which is key to a good night's sleep for these kids.
This is so true, he hated the swaddle so we got the woombie which is less restrictive! He does like his bedtime routine though. He enjoys his long afternoon nap.
MOOD: When they want something, they want it now! Opinionated, very vocal, and often stubborn, their moods are mercurial, going quickly from happy' to sad and back again. They love the action but also tend to overdo it, which can lead to a meltdown. Tantrums are hard to stop once they get going. Transitions can be tough, too.
So true! He is very vocal and opinionated! The king of the mood swing...
HOW THEY'RE OFTEN DESCRIBED: A handful. Always into something.1 don't have the energy to keep up with her. She's fearless.
Little Mr. Trouble...
Monday, March 28, 2011
Happy Caterpillar Photography
For anyone in the CT area, I would highly recommend Happy Caterpillar Photography. She did C's 2 month and now his 4 month pics. Her service is awesome, with the CD being ready by the next day (or as for me today, same day!)
My hubby is not happy about all the nakey pics she took, but the monkey was strategically placed. After all, I wanted the pics because in his 6 month pics, he will have a scar :(
I love them all, but here are a few of my absolute favorites! What do you think?
My hubby is not happy about all the nakey pics she took, but the monkey was strategically placed. After all, I wanted the pics because in his 6 month pics, he will have a scar :(
I love them all, but here are a few of my absolute favorites! What do you think?
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Our Scary Hospital Visit
Today was C's renal scan. Last night I was very sick. My stomach was torn up and I was having a hard time holding him. I had to wake up my hubby and have him hold the baby while I ran to the bathroom over and over to be sick. Maybe nerves, maybe food poisoning? Finally, it subsided and I took C into my bed. We snuggled all night and he woke up with a huge smile. He had no clue what was going to happen to him today. I fed him and we headed off to the hospital, my mother in tow to help us.
At the hospital, the staff was very good at explaining what would happen and letting me be near him. First, they placed the catheter into his tiny penis. He was understandably upset by this. They then put a beanbag pillow around him and that was used to hold him still. He was screaming at this point. They started the IV and he was a mess, pulling his arm from the nurse and hitting with his other one. I held his left arm and kissed his face trying to calm him. It was so devastating to see him so upset and not be able to hold him in my arms. I was happy that they at least let me hold his cheeks and hand. I was also crying to see him like this. He finally fell asleep from exhaustion and I held his hand and face through the procedure.
They had inserted radioactive isotopes via the IV and then lasix about 15 minutes later. We could see on the monitor the isotopes in his blood, then kidneys, then move from kidneys to bladder, and finally the diaper. The right kidney seemed to move everything out very quickly. The left, however, did not. At the end of the test, the left kidney was still glowing brightly.
We left the hospital and went to the doctor. At the doctor, they told us that he has a left ureteropelvic junction obstruction. He will need surgery to correct this. The surgery will be on April 27th. My poor, unblemished baby will have an incision of about 4 inches around his left side into his back.
I am so petrified that something will go wrong. I would not be able to survive without my brave little gou.
I have to say that this was one of the most scary days of my life, aside from the circumstances of his birth. Wait, this was maybe more frightening because I have had time to spend with him and get to know him. I now know what his cries mean and how his little lip quivers when he is getting ready to cry. I know how he turns brick red when he is really angry and sometimes even stops breathing if he is really mad. He is my guy now, and was just the hypothetical baby before.
At the hospital, the staff was very good at explaining what would happen and letting me be near him. First, they placed the catheter into his tiny penis. He was understandably upset by this. They then put a beanbag pillow around him and that was used to hold him still. He was screaming at this point. They started the IV and he was a mess, pulling his arm from the nurse and hitting with his other one. I held his left arm and kissed his face trying to calm him. It was so devastating to see him so upset and not be able to hold him in my arms. I was happy that they at least let me hold his cheeks and hand. I was also crying to see him like this. He finally fell asleep from exhaustion and I held his hand and face through the procedure.
They had inserted radioactive isotopes via the IV and then lasix about 15 minutes later. We could see on the monitor the isotopes in his blood, then kidneys, then move from kidneys to bladder, and finally the diaper. The right kidney seemed to move everything out very quickly. The left, however, did not. At the end of the test, the left kidney was still glowing brightly.
We left the hospital and went to the doctor. At the doctor, they told us that he has a left ureteropelvic junction obstruction. He will need surgery to correct this. The surgery will be on April 27th. My poor, unblemished baby will have an incision of about 4 inches around his left side into his back.
I am so petrified that something will go wrong. I would not be able to survive without my brave little gou.
I have to say that this was one of the most scary days of my life, aside from the circumstances of his birth. Wait, this was maybe more frightening because I have had time to spend with him and get to know him. I now know what his cries mean and how his little lip quivers when he is getting ready to cry. I know how he turns brick red when he is really angry and sometimes even stops breathing if he is really mad. He is my guy now, and was just the hypothetical baby before.
A Big Day
Today is the big Renal Scan day. I am so nervous. My mom came to go with us, and of course it is snowing. I am sitting here pumping while she gives him a bottle (how ironic). I tortured myself by googling pediatric renal scan last night. I was up all night with diarrhea. Either the nerves got to me or I had food poisoning... Either way, I was a mess. C Spent the night in the bed with me, I could not bear to put him in his bed. I am just so worried. He slept well and woke up smiling that he was nakey in bed with mama. He was in just a diaper, his favorite way to sleep. Wish us luck today, we need it...
Monday, March 21, 2011
Worried About C's Test
I just got a call from the Children's Hospital and they have scheduled C for his renal scan Wednesday. I am so nervous. They told me that he has to get an IV and lasix and then he will be in the scanner for about an hour. They said that I can be close enough to talk to him during that time, but not touch. He is going to be so scared and hysterical! My poor baby, he will have no idea why his mama is not touching him. How can I make him feel secure?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
C's First Purim
For C's first Purim, he had 3 costumes:
Rex from Toy Story (I was Jessie)
He pretended to be Queen Ester also!
And then he was pooped!
Rex from Toy Story (I was Jessie)
A baseball player (he threw up on Rex)
James Bond
He was even in a contest, which they only allowed age 2 and up to win :(
He pretended to be Queen Ester also!
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Getting ready for Purim!
Tomorrow is Purim. I guess you can say that it appears to be the Jewish version of Halloween. Instead of begging for candy door to door, we make up small packages of foods and drinks and bring them to our friends. The kids (and some adults) dress up. C is dressing up as Rex from Toy Story. I totally scored on that costume, it was $3.99 in the Disney store! I am going to be Jessie. I asked hubby to dress up as Sid the bad kid but he refused. Oh well...
The past day has been challenging... Some background info: While I was pregnant with C, I had placenta previa. Due to my condition, I was on bedrest and I had many more ultrasounds than most women. In the course of my ultrasounds they found out that C had quite a bit of fluid in his kidneys. This ultimately may have saved his life. During a routine ultrasound at 37 weeks 6 days, my doctor saw that I had no amniotic fluid left and that C was shrinking. I was induced, and when he could not handle the contractions, had an emergency c-section.
We have had multiple ultrasounds since he was born and have had other tests done on his kidneys. The right kidney has 1st to 2nd degree reflux. The left has not really shown much, just a mild reflux. He has been on antibiotics since he was one month old to prevent infection of his kidneys.
Fast forward to yesterday, I had to take C to the nephrologist for a routine ultrasound and checkup. He has been fine, but I did notice that his urine has been smelling like the antibiotics, so I called a little early to schedule his appointment (it was supposed to be at the end of the month). When they did the ultrasound, my boy was smiling and happy. He was so cooperative and I was so proud of him! The doctor came into the room and she told us that his LEFT kidney has 4th degree reflux and is full of fluid. She showed me the ultrasound image and it was very obvious. She is concerned because his left kidney has always been the "good" kidney. Now we have to have some renal function tests next week to rule out an obstruction or a kink in his ureter. She said that the test will involve him having an IV and being given lasix. He will need to be catheterized.
My poor baby! I am so nervous that something is wrong and that he will need to have surgery... My poor guy had been fighting since the day he was conceived and should have an easy life after all of this. I know that it could be much worse, and there are kids who have worse problems so I thank G-d that he has only "minor" issues... Right now he is sleeping and I can hear him moaning in his sleep. I wonder if he is feeling any pain or discomfort. The doctor said that he is not in pain, but how does she know? He does look happy, though...
After our visit, I had called a woman who lives downstairs in our building. She does Healing Touch at a local hospital. I asked her to see if she can do her "magic" on C. She came up and it was pretty cool how she moved her hands in the areas around him... He started cooing and laughing like he was being touched. She told me that she felt some irritation on his left side and some tense energy in his abdomen. I had not told her about the kidney or his reflux/gas issues. She said that she opened his pathways and that he has good energy which is flowing well now. She showed me a way to move my hands on his ody to help him relax for sleep. Wouldn't you know that he slept much better last night?
I guess the next week or so will be a bit trying. My husband is very nervous and is all worse case scenario. I have to try to stay positive and keep my spirits high. Wish us luck!
We have had multiple ultrasounds since he was born and have had other tests done on his kidneys. The right kidney has 1st to 2nd degree reflux. The left has not really shown much, just a mild reflux. He has been on antibiotics since he was one month old to prevent infection of his kidneys.
Fast forward to yesterday, I had to take C to the nephrologist for a routine ultrasound and checkup. He has been fine, but I did notice that his urine has been smelling like the antibiotics, so I called a little early to schedule his appointment (it was supposed to be at the end of the month). When they did the ultrasound, my boy was smiling and happy. He was so cooperative and I was so proud of him! The doctor came into the room and she told us that his LEFT kidney has 4th degree reflux and is full of fluid. She showed me the ultrasound image and it was very obvious. She is concerned because his left kidney has always been the "good" kidney. Now we have to have some renal function tests next week to rule out an obstruction or a kink in his ureter. She said that the test will involve him having an IV and being given lasix. He will need to be catheterized.
My poor baby! I am so nervous that something is wrong and that he will need to have surgery... My poor guy had been fighting since the day he was conceived and should have an easy life after all of this. I know that it could be much worse, and there are kids who have worse problems so I thank G-d that he has only "minor" issues... Right now he is sleeping and I can hear him moaning in his sleep. I wonder if he is feeling any pain or discomfort. The doctor said that he is not in pain, but how does she know? He does look happy, though...
After our visit, I had called a woman who lives downstairs in our building. She does Healing Touch at a local hospital. I asked her to see if she can do her "magic" on C. She came up and it was pretty cool how she moved her hands in the areas around him... He started cooing and laughing like he was being touched. She told me that she felt some irritation on his left side and some tense energy in his abdomen. I had not told her about the kidney or his reflux/gas issues. She said that she opened his pathways and that he has good energy which is flowing well now. She showed me a way to move my hands on his ody to help him relax for sleep. Wouldn't you know that he slept much better last night?
I guess the next week or so will be a bit trying. My husband is very nervous and is all worse case scenario. I have to try to stay positive and keep my spirits high. Wish us luck!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Sleeping Snuggle Boy
I never get anything done... and I love the reason. This guy will only nap on his mama. He loves to Snuggle in on my left side and go to sleep. If I try to move him, or put him down, he wakes up! So I sit here and look at thredup, Craigslist, or read email on my phone... and smell his yummy baby smell, listen to his deep stuffy nose breathing, and feel the sweaty print his Snuggle leaves on my skin. I just love getting nothing done!

Thursday, March 17, 2011
The Woombie Saves My Night
C has never been a good sleeper. In his life of 3 months, 22 days he has never slept through the night, or even half of the night. With this being said, I have taken it as my life's work to find a tool that will help him (and me) sleep better.
We have tried the "Swaddle Wrap," which velcros around him. He got out.
We tried the "Miracle Blanket," which he miraculously slept a few hours before escaping and peeing all over it to ensure I didn't re-wrap him.
We are now on to the "Woombie." This thing kind of looks like a sleeper, but with no arms and legs. My husband says that it looks like a strait jacket. So, last night, I was in the middle of doing laundry and both Woombies (we have 2, a newborn and a big baby) were dirty. C did not go to sleep until I had him in his Woombie, at 11:30 at night!
Then last night, he wet through his "Big Baby" Woombie.
I hand washed it to ensure that it would be ready for tonight. Alas, when I went to zip my little boy in, it was wet! I tried putting him in his newborn one, but he has outgrown it almost overnight!
I quickly sent my husband down to the laundry room to dry the wet one... After 30 minutes, it was still wet and C was in the jumperoo, irritable and tired but not going to sleep. Hubby tried to blow dry it to no avail. Finally, he put it on the radiator. Still slightly damp, I zipped a very upset Coby into his Woombie. Within minutes, he was asleep.
Hail to the Woombie, my hero.
We have tried the "Swaddle Wrap," which velcros around him. He got out.
We tried the "Miracle Blanket," which he miraculously slept a few hours before escaping and peeing all over it to ensure I didn't re-wrap him.
We are now on to the "Woombie." This thing kind of looks like a sleeper, but with no arms and legs. My husband says that it looks like a strait jacket. So, last night, I was in the middle of doing laundry and both Woombies (we have 2, a newborn and a big baby) were dirty. C did not go to sleep until I had him in his Woombie, at 11:30 at night!
Then last night, he wet through his "Big Baby" Woombie.
I hand washed it to ensure that it would be ready for tonight. Alas, when I went to zip my little boy in, it was wet! I tried putting him in his newborn one, but he has outgrown it almost overnight!
I quickly sent my husband down to the laundry room to dry the wet one... After 30 minutes, it was still wet and C was in the jumperoo, irritable and tired but not going to sleep. Hubby tried to blow dry it to no avail. Finally, he put it on the radiator. Still slightly damp, I zipped a very upset Coby into his Woombie. Within minutes, he was asleep.
Hail to the Woombie, my hero.
Inspired by Finn
I am super excited to announce that Inspired by Finn will be shipping me a necklace to review on this site! I can’t wait to see how C likes it, I hope it will help with his excessive drooling and gnawing at his hand.
While you wait for the review, check out their site:
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