Monday, April 4, 2011

4 months, 1 week, 3 days: Nap Strike!

Dear Coby,

This week it seems that you are on a nap strike.  Usually, you take a 9:30ish nap and sleep for an hour and a half or so.  Then in the afternoon, you take a 2ish nap until about 4.  You wake up, have a bottle, play, and then have cereal.  After cereal, you take a bath and then we either play a little, read a story, or you are tired and want to go to bed. You are generally sleeping in bed by 8 at the latest.

This week, you are only taking afternoon naps and then want to go to bed later! Yesterday, you did not take a morning nap, aside from a 5 minute power nap on me, and then fell asleep around 4 pm while Daddy was watching you.  You slept until 5:45 and then wanted a bottle, play, cereal, bath, and then much more play!  You did not go to bed until about 9:30!

I finally got you down for a nap around 11:45 today, by playing white noise in your ear and nursing you.  You talked to me while fighting off the nap.  Right now, you are swinging in your swing, sleeping peacefully.  You were so overtired!

Today we have a doctor's appointment for your 4 month checkup.  I can't wait to see how much you weigh!  You feel like you have gained more weight and you sure do eat a ton!  I hope that you don't need any shots, but I think that you do.  I am sure that you will be brave and strong no matter what!

I love you always and forever,

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