Sunday, April 3, 2011

Out Damn Milk!

I am on the third pump of the day and I have just about an ounce.  From 3 pumps.  My nipples feel like they have been run through a cheese grater... AND I HAVE AN OUNCE?!?! WTF?
Maybe I have not been eating/drinking enough today?  Maybe I am stressed?  This is so frustrating!  Why can't these huge boobs that I have been lugging around for 23 years produce the damn milk they have been made to produce? This is insane.  I generally get an ounce per pump, both sides combined.  I have never gotten such a small amount.  I am getting so frustrated.

On another note, I decided today that I am going to start writing letters to my son about all of the events that happen in his life... So I went to Staples and I bought a beautiful new journal.  I bought nice new pens.  I waited until he was in bed and I was so excited to begin this new way of filling in his memories!  Then I started thinking, "Where do the pictures go?" and I realized that the journal would not work because I needed a way to add in pictures and there was no room!  I realized that the best thing to do would be to make a blog that I could print out for him and bind into a book... So Letters To Coby was born (edited 5/26/11: I have combined those letters with this blog... I can edit out my rants before I print it for him).  It is pretty boring right now... I am too damned exhausted from pumping to do it up tonight :(  SO this will be my bitch and whine, review baby products blog and the other one will be letters to my sweet boy...Can't let him know that his mama is a raving lunatic obsessed with her (lack of) breast milk, can we?

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like me. I get about an ounce every three hours. I get about 10 or so a frustrating.
