Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pumping and Assorted Randomness

This morning I pumped for about 30 minutes and got less than an ounce.  How much longer should I do this?  I don't know if the 2-3 ounces I give my son nightly is really beneficial... I hope that it boosts his immunity and keeps him healthier.  Selfishly, I am hoping that the pumping keeps my period away.  I hate having it and I am grumpy enough without it!

I have been cloth diapering C. at night for about 2 weeks or so off and on.  He is a really heavy wetter and will wet through 2-3 times a night even with frequent diaper changes (yes, I wake him to change him).  We have been using the econobunz diapers, I have 3 that I alternate, with 2 inserts.  He has been dry until about 5 am with these.  Last night at 1:30, my guy wet through his whole bed!  Blah!  I hate that so much...  he is sleeping and all of a sudden he is all wet and nasty!

I am addicted to bargain websites!  Please comment with your favorites so I will have some new ones to stalk!  I love mamabargains the most I think. I just ordered a stephiemc designs necklace (family tree) and can't wait to get it!  I am also looking to order a necklace for my mom. She just celebrated her 50th birthday, and with me having C. and all I guess I kinda missed it!  I am looking at getting her this necklace with "Nana, we love you to the moon and the stars!" with "you" in a different font because she always says this to the boys.  Also, I would put on their names.  I am waiting for stephanie to get back to me about it... there is a sale of 40% off ending today.  I really hope she emails me back soon!

C. is fighting his am nap so bad this morning!  He is in his swing talking to me and coing. You can see his eyes are droopy and he is so tired.  Not sure why he will not nap; I could just fall asleep right now!

1 comment:

  1. I am hoping to do a cloth diaper post today if little man lets me! We are using Tuck and Go by MonkeyDoodlez (with custom inserts from a local provider) and so far so good!
