Monday, April 4, 2011

Doctor Visit

Dear Coby,

Today you had a doctor visit with Dr. Macbeth, your pediatrician.  She is so proud of how much you have grown!  You now weigh 14.5 pounds, putting you almost in the 50th percentile!  She said that you are ready to try real food!  I am excited about introducing fruits and veggies to you!  I think you will love them.  You had to have 3 vaccination shots and one oral vaccine.  You were very upset during your shots, but resumed your happy behavior right after.  I had to go to my doctor after your appointment and you were all smiles and let everyone hold you!  I am so proud that I have such a brave boy! 

When we got home, you wanted your cereal and a bath, but we had to go pick up Daddy at the train station first.  You fell asleep in the car, so I had to wake you for your cereal and bath.  You can see your bandaids on your little legs in this picture. :(

You had a hard time falling asleep, but right now, you are asleep, but keep waking up fussy.  I gave you a little Tylenol because the last time you had vaccinations you got a fever.  I hope that you are comfortable and not in any pain.  I really hope that you don't get a fever again!

I love you always and forever,

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